The PayDay Circle

Give small, collect big. What is a PayDay Circle? It's a monetary e-transfer cycle that's simple and fun for everyone involved. Each week send a couple bucks to a member of your PayDay Circle. When your Money Monday arrives, it's time to collect, and it's your turn to collect a lump sum from your PayDay Circle. Feel free to create your own Payday Circle or drop your email below if you'd like to join one.
  1. Gather a group of family members, friends or co-workers. (Everyone in PayDay Circle should know each other - everyone who joins must be trustworthy)
2. Create WhatsApp group chat and add all PayDay Circle Members.
3. Group decision on monetary amount which every member is comfortable sending weekly to other members.
4. Using random generators online or drawing names out of a hat, create the list ordering members from first to last.
5. Every Money Monday, everyone from the PayDay Circle sends an e-transfer to one member.
6. The following day, on Tuesday, member who received their PayDay Circle Payout must share their purchases on the PayDay Circle Whatsapp chat.
7. Sharing money with family and friends has never been this fun! 
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